Coláiste Eoin Finglas

JCSP library

Welcome to the JCSP Library!

Our school librarian Teresa supports the students and teachers during the day in Library class, early in the morning and during homework club. The library has computers available for students to use throughout the day, before and after school.

A huge variety of literacy and numeracy initiatives happen throughout the year in the JCSP library such as Cafe Gaeilge, Chess Club, Book Club, Debating Team, Drop Everything and Read, Word Millionaire, Storytelling with Niall de Burca, Maths Dice, GMC Beats Rap songs and videos and the JCSP Writer in Residence Programme.

We have many other events during the year to celebrate learning like Science Shows, Irish Language Drama Workshops, College Awareness Week, Engineers week, Maths week, Green schools, Make a Book Exhibition and many more. Through the library reading for enjoyment is promoted and progress is measured through the Accelerated Reader Programme. The library funds other great literacy interventions such as the Rapid Reading Plus Programme and Touch Type Read and Spell. We also house a Jigsaw: Read your mind collection of books. The library collection is continually updated and the librarian is there to lend a hand to students, parents and staff alike throughout the year!

Our Events:

- Romeo and Juliet at the Mill Theatre on March 6, 2020

On March 6, 2020, the JCSP Library at Colaiste Eoin organized and funded a trip for all 3rd year students to see ‘Romeo & Juliet’ at the Mill Theatre in Dundrum. The production was specifically aimed at Junior Cert students and it was a fun adaptation of the original play with a modern twist. The actors were all vibrant and engaging, interpreting their roles in a way that young people could relate to. Seeing the play will undoubtedly help the students grasp the Shakespearean language and text for their Junior Cert exam!

- Make a Book Exhibition on March 4, 2020

On March 4, 2020, Colaiste Eoin’s JCSP Librarian, Teresa, and the school’s art teacher accompanied 8 students to Roganstown House in Swords to present their Make a Book Project to other schools. This year we created a Gratitude Book. Students each produced a page depicting what they are grateful for in their lives. It was a project that made everyone stop and think about the good things that are around them despite all the other curve balls that life may throw at them. The students also create a Gratitude Box and invited others attending the exhibition to take a moment to think about the wonderful things in their own lives and leave a note about what they are grateful for. The students did the school proud presenting their project on the day. We are going to re-use our book and Gratitude Box during our next Well-Being Week at school.

- Niall de Burca Storytelling session on February 25, 2020

On February 25, 2020, Colaiste Eoin’s JCSP Library had a visit from the much-loved storyteller, Niall de Burca. Niall took us all on magical journeys through his retelling of tales from Ireland past to more modern adventures. Niall himself is a book-lover and he took the opportunity to promote his love and passion for reading to our students, encouraging them to engage in reading for pleasure and the search for knowledge. Niall also gave the students useful advice on giving oral presentations and CBAs with confidence. His visit was enchanting, whimsical and even at times terrifying! We were all enthralled in the fantastical worlds he conjured up in the library and we continue to look forward to his visit every year!

- High Rock Productions on February 24, 2020

On February 24, 2020, High Rock Productions came to Colaiste Eoin’s JCSP Llibrary with their Junior Cert show. Through comedy, they went through material for the upcoming State Exam. The library was brought down with laughter as they performed their sketches! They integrated modern, pop culture into their skits and the show had some wonderful audience participation moments by both staff and students alike. This was a really fun way to prepare for the upcoming Irish Paper. Undoubtedly, students will draw down on their memory of the day to help them succeed in June.

- Ferguson Class Rap and Video on February 6, 2020

On February 6, 2020, the Colaiste Eoin’s Ferguson class, all of whom are ASD students, spent the day in the JCSP Library writing and recording their 2020 Rap Video. Each student gave a brilliant performance and rapped about what is important to them. They were full of energy and the video is bound to be a masterpiece! The boys carefully and thoughtfully wrote their pieces and performed their parts with passion. It was not only a great day for written and oral literacy skills, but a great exercise in team building. There was even a special message recorded for Ryan Turbridy.

- Wrapparound Workshop on February 7, 2020

Garry McCarthy of GMC Beats spent the day in Colaiste Eoin’s JCSP Library on February 7, 2020 to create our WRaPParound 2020 song. Taking part were 6 second year JCSP students. This year our song was on the topic of strength. Students wrote about where they find strength, times they found inner strength, physical strength, strong people that they know and what strength means to them. This was keeping in line with Trocaire’s theme of ‘Standing Her Ground’ (strong women) and a couple of the students chose to rap about their mothers. We look forward to performing the song at the WRaPParound event which is presently scheduled for October 2020.

- King Lear January 30th 2020

On January 30, 2020, Colaiste Eoin’s JCSP library organized and funded a trip to see Cyclone Rep’s production of ‘King Lear’ for all 5th year students. This production was geared at exam students and broke the 4th wall throughout the performance of the to help students understand the Shakespearean language and references and better engage in the play. There was audience participation and a Q & A session. Our students understanding and enjoyment of this Shakespearean masterpiece definitely grew thanks to the layout of this production. The actors also provided the students with memory devices that they could call upon to help remember main points of the play. This will be of great asset to them when they are sitting their State Exams next year.

- Eco-Unesco Get Drastic about Plastic Workshop on January 16, 2020

On January 16, 2020, Eco-Unesco visited Colaiste Eoin’s JCSP Library and delivered two workshops on the day. Firstly, we had a ‘Fast Fashion Focused’ workshop, which taught students about the environmental impacts that the clothing industry has on our planet. They also spoke of human rights and the conditions of factories where some of our clothing are produced. Students were also taught how to repurpose old clothing and were given the chance to create tote bags out of old T-Shirts.

They also provided a ‘Get Drastic about Plastic’ workshop where students performed a simulation task to understand the difficulty of cleaning pollutants and micro-plastics from our oceans. They learnt about the lifespan of plastic, its effect on life on Earth, especially marine life, and were given alternatives to using plastic in their daily lives.

Both workshops were very hands-on and included games, a walking debate, videos and a thought-provoking presentation. The facilitator was very engaging and Eco-Unesco workshops have become and annual, important event in our library.

- JCSP Christmas Celebration on December 18, 2019

We had our annual JCSP Christmas Celebration on December 18, 2019 and it was a festive morning for all. Prizes were given, cakes were eaten and music videos were played. It was a lovely way to recap on all we did during the Autumn 2019 term and a joyful lead-in to the Christmas Break

Coláiste Eoin Finglas,
Cappagh Rd,
Dublin 11,
D11 AY65

01 834 1426

© 2025 Coláiste Eoin Finglas