Coláiste Eoin Finglas



The education process is most successful when pupils, teachers and parents work in partnership together, to maximise the potential of the individual.

At Coláiste Eoin, you have the opportunity to be involved in the education of your child in many ways.

You as parents are recognised as vital to the education process at Coláiste Eoin. By entrusting your child to the school for their secondary school education you demonstrate a confidence that others before you have shown and will show again.

Education is highly prized in our society in general and in our school in particular.

Abidance by school rules is integral to the effective running of any school and parents play a pivotal role. Homework is another key area where parents can support their child's education and ensure that they progresses as expected through the school system.

Parents are represented at Board level by two fellow parents from the parent body, and it is hoped that an active Parents Council will be emerge in Coláiste Eoin.

Coláiste Eoin Finglas,
Cappagh Rd,
Dublin 11,
D11 AY65

01 834 1426

© 2025 Coláiste Eoin Finglas